empty space


engl. Version

> Impressum empty space

Schubert und Barthelmes.gif

empty space

Gregor Maria Schubert machtdose.de
Ralf Barthelmes www.ralfbarthelmes.com

mail to empty space: mail@emptyspace-frankfurt.de

empty space ©2009 Gregor Maria Schubert & Ralf Barthelmes, Ffm.
all images  ©2009 Ralf Barthelmes, Ffm.

thanks to
Annette Gloser, Mousonturm, piCta Colorlabor,
Eduardo Perez, Martina Lenhardt (text), Kim Parent (translation).
images on the left and on page 'about' by Kirstin von der Heydt.

Schubert und Barthelmes.gif

empty space

Gregor Maria Schubert machtdose.de
Ralf Barthelmes www.ralfbarthelmes.com

mail to empty space: mail@emptyspace-frankfurt.de

empty space ©2009 Gregor Maria Schubert & Ralf Barthelmes, Ffm.
all images  ©2009 Ralf Barthelmes, Ffm.

thanks to
Annette Gloser, Mousonturm, piCta Colorlabor,
Eduardo Perez, Martina Lenhardt (text), Kim Parent (translation).
images on the left and on page 'about' by Kirstin von der Heydt.